What's New At The Hartsema Group

Bringing Customers Together Safely

Do COVID-19 restrictions have you worried about how you will continue to create a collaborative atmosphere with your advisory group? Ask us how we can customize virtualization technologies to help you bring your customers together remotely.

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The Hartsema Group

Contact Us

Let's Talk About This

At The Hartsema Group, we believe people connecting to people is still the best way to get an idea moving. It's a big part of our business model and it's a big part of the way we conduct our own business. Getting people to talk gets ideas on the table. And getting people to talk about those ideas is what gets them into motion. So if you're wondering why we're not shy about giving out our phone number, it's because we want to talk about how we can get ideas into motion.

So, let's talk.

By Telephone

We have yet to find a method of communication that works better than actually talking with someone. Call us anytime.

Give it a try:

(917) 297-9701

Questions About Our Services?

Want to know a little bit more about what we do and how we do it? Email us with your specific questions or ideas. Doug will be more than happy to get right back to you.

Email Doug

Questions About Events Or Registration?

Have a question about an upcoming event or registration? Contact our Registrations Team and we'll get you an answer.

Email Registrations Team